What’s Your Mission? Sustaining Your Dog or Optimum Health?


That’s really the question isn’t it? Are you the person that say, buys the Big Box Store Brand because you’re there and don’t give it a thought, plus it’s cheap? Or are you a serious companion dog owner with the thirst to do a better job with all of your family (including the 4-legged version)?

If you think about what goes in your dog, then I want to hear from you! All the cliches apply here, “You get what you give, crap in, crap out, and on”! But, it really is the truth. Are you saving money on generic food, because it’s cheap but, going to the vet regularly for various issues such as, skin, diabetes, obesity, thyroid, ear infections? These can be issues because what you are feeding is inadequate nutritionally. Most vets will treat the symptoms and not talk about diet. Diet is key and can act as medicine to clear skin issues and detox the system.

What I’ve learned over decades of companion dog ownership, including show dogs, and my years working inside natural pet food manufacturers, is you get what you pay for. As an example, you can get a steak at a top notch steak house or go to one of those buffet bars and get one there. Ingredients make the food. Is the plant clean? Are they getting hormones, antibiotics? Is the company using downed animals? It happens, don’t be fooled or shocked.

We at The Dogma Natural Pet Market make it important to know, just what do the animals eat that I am feeding to my dogs? I will drill down and get the information. I’ve done the research and the studying. Let me share it with you. We hold the manufacturers to their word and learn where the ingredients come from. Since, I know the in and outs, and I can muddle through the marketing goop and get the facts. I make it part of my job to do the due diligence and discover what is really going in to these foods and make the correct decisions on what food to carry and remedies to suggest. You won’t find a lot of foods you see on other shelves here. There’s a reason for that. Let’s Talk! 

The Dogma Natural Pet Market
8420 Main Street
(at Rope Mill & The Railroad Tracks)
Woodstock, GA 30188


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